is the manifestation of purpose in action. Where a robust and healthy culture consistently reflects its values, an unhealthy culture exhibits inconsistency and unpredictability. If the behaviour of a culture is not consistent with the promise of its brand, it signals the potential need for a reset on your underlying motivations.
A clearly defined and understood culture provides leaders with a guiding principle to make strategic decisions that inspire their teams and resonate with their audiences. Without a culture-driven strategy, organizations struggle to convey how their actions differ and why they hold significance.
Conventional strategic planning often starts with stating the mission and vision of the organization. However, without an emotional stance, a meaningful perspective, or a sense of passion and purpose, it is impossible to depict the future and engage others in the journey towards it.
Enrollment is the missing piece in dysfunctional organizations. True enrollment means that individuals aren't merely working for a paycheck; they are driven by a shared dream for the future and a commitment to the culture they have collectively defined.
Business strategies become more effective when rooted in culture. Leading with culture allows organizations to consider not only the rationale or principles behind their plans but also the emotional connection required to achieve their goals.
In essence, inspiration prompts action.