A developer/manager of non-market housing grows up to become so much more.
Over decades, BC Housing has evolved into a complex organization. Not just the manager of buildings, but now an advocate, policy influencer, facilitator, financier, and developer.

BC Housing came to Cause+Affect for a "re-brand" but we soon realized that internal alignment was crucial before any focus on external engagement would be possible.
The organization was witnessing significant cultural change and internal conflict that coincided with its evolving business model, operations and corporate structure.
While we did deliver a new identity and overall look and feel for the organization, more importantly, we worked tirelessly to help improve internal alignment, values clarity and pride in the organization’s role and impact in delivering affordable housing.

Cause+Affect guided our organization through a complete re-brand. Their value was witnessed in their thoughtful and diligent staff engagement process resulting in not only a new public identity but an authentic brand foundation that everyone could believe in.
Shayne Ramsay, Former CEO